98Success found at 98success.co promises to make you rich just by using their fully automated software, but don’t be fooled. 98Succses is a scam. We’ve conducted the much needed investigation, so read the full 98Success review before you commit yourself to a financial headache!

98success scam reviewName: 98Success
Website: 98success.co
Owner: Henry D’souza
Price: $250 min. deposit


98Success Review


98success scam review

98Success is a scam

98Success is actually the short form of 98.4% success rate, the winning rate in which Henry D’souza, the alleged owner of 98Success claims to have achieved using his software.

He claims to have found a computer bug that enables you to profit off the same trades made by billionaires of Wall Street.

But is he telling the truth? Or he is just trying to get you to invest into a certain scam, and take your money away?

We have a wealth of evidence to show that it’s the latter, and we will reveal all of them in this comprehensive review.

Just a word of caution before we get started – don’t believe in anything that promises huge profits without you having to do anything.

There’s no free lunch in this world, and there are a lot of scammers waiting to pounce on your money. 98Success is one of those scams.

Are There Really Limited Spots to 98Success Software?


98success scam review

Did you really think there are only 4 spots available for this piece of software?

I’m sure you remember this pop up that appears every time your mouse cursor moves near to closing the window.

In the pop up, it’s said that only 4 out of 100 available spots are available to become one of the lucky members of 98Success scam.

You have to quickly enter your email address to “secure your spot”, or your chance of obtaining the miracle software may be gone forever.

Is the members area really as exclusive as what Henry says?

Turns out not. Anyone can access the “exclusive members area” as long as they access this link: 98success.co/Members.

Noticed how Henry congratulated you for making it into the members area?

You don’t even have to provide your email address to get into it.

This is just a marketing tactic used by the scam to force its victims into action, and to convince them that they have obtained special rights to use the software.

98Success Scam Uses Fake Social Testimonial


98success scam review

Facebook and Twitter posts shown in 98Success scam are fake

If you scroll down the homepage of 98Success scam, you’ll come to a section where they display what seems to be live Facebook and Twitter feeds.

At first glance, these testimonials appear to be extremely credible. But if you look closer, you’ll realized that this is just a trick by 98Success scam to confuse its victims.

The scam is using the reputation of Facebook and Twitter to deceive internet users.

Try clicking on any profile or links within the “live feeds”. You’ll realize that nothing can be clicked, and the user profiles lead to nowhere. Why is this happening?

These are actually just a wall of texts customized to look like Facebook posts and Twitter feeds. None of the names and profiles is real.

If you want to verify the authenticity for yourself, you can look for any of the names shown in the page on Facebook or Twitter. You won’t find anyone with the name and matching profile picture.

98Success Scam Used Stolen Photos to Fabricate Members


98success scam review

Even the member profiles of 98Success scam can’t be trusted

Below the social testimonials, there are more testimonials that give praise to 98Success for changing their financial life.

It seems to give a lot more credibility to the software, but we knew 98Success scam can’t be trusted after revealing the fake social posts.

We decided to do a background check on the profile pictures provided to authenticate the identity of these members.

What we found was disappointing, to say the least.

98success scam review

The same pictures are used to fabricate profiles for different scams

We realized that the very same profiles pictures have been used to fabricate the member profile of another notorious binary software, Dream Profits scam which we have reviewed earlier.

Notice how the names of the members were changed, despite using the very same pictures.

Apparently, the scammers behind these scams are the same, and they decided to use the same set of stolen pictures to fabricate member profiles, changing only the names.

More Fake Member Profiles and Profits


98success scam review

Even the profits are fake (not surprisingly)

As if fabricating member profiles and testimonials are not bad enough, 98Success scam are putting up some arbitrary numbers as profits.

Let’s take a look at the featured members above. We decided to base our investigation on Rebecca Layman, as the reported profits is higher at $41,618.47.

As usual, we ran a reverse look up on the photo, and it reveal to us that the scammers behind 98Success are operating more than 2 scams.

98success scam review

More scams featuring the same stolen picture

Apart from 98Success, “Rebecca Layman” was also featured in 2 more scams which we have reviewed before.

Profit Maker and Cloud Trader are both proven to be scams, and they feature the very same picture as their member, albeit with different names and profits.

This has proven that all these scams are related to one another, and they most likely operate under the same scammers.

These are just a pool of stolen pictures which they use over and over again in different scam to provide fake member testimonials.

Is 98Success a Scam?


YES, 98SUCCESS IS A SCAM. We strongly advise you to stay away from the scam if you don’t want to lose your hard-earned money.

You’ll be better off spending that $250 deposit for a nice dinner with your family than wasting it on a scam like this.

If you want to make money online, there are much better alternatives than trying your luck with binary options:

Read Our Review of the Most Recommended Internet Business Opportunity Here.


Have you encountered any online scams before? Personally I’ve fallen for a few before coming across the legitimate one, so let us know in the comments below if you have any personal experience to share!